Monday, August 13, 2012

Pinus contorta

The wonderful folks at the Hoyt Arboretum looked up the location of their Pinus contorta specimens for me today. Nice to have the library of trees available in this town! * Que conveniente tener una bibliteca de arboles en nuestra cuidad! Los empleados del Hoyt Arboretum me dirigieron a las especiminas de Pinus contorta hoy.


  1. It must be the paper that makes your pieces look like they were pulled from an archive and not your head. I almost feel like I am viewing a lost notebook of David Douglas.... You could add "Modern Day Adventurer" to your list of monikers!

    1. Wow, David Douglas is a heckuva compliment! I'm using the new Strathmore sketchbook with "warm tan" paper and it makes me quite happy. I hope that I can build my way up to earn a moniker like modern day adventurer...Taking the light rail to the arboretum and asking the volunteer at the desk where I could find the species in question seems like too convenient a process to be compared to Douglas's voyages of exploration.
