Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fast Fungi

Brush pen and colored pencil on tan paper, with pressed lichen specimen. * Pluma tipo pincel y lápiz blanco en papel de color marrón claro, con especimina de liquen.
Eugene, Oregon is a town full of wonderful friends. We got to the Mushroom Festival a bit later than planned, because the morning conversations in the coffee shop were too fun to cut short. And then there were so many people to hug once we got to the Arboretum to see the event. But despite all that, I did manage to sketch some slime molds, mushrooms, shelf-fungus, and lichens before we had to catch our bus back to Portland. * El pueblo de Eugene, Oregon es lleno de amigos maravillosos. Llegemos al Mushroom Festival un poco más tarde de lo que habíamos planedado, porque era demasiado divertido seguir charlando en el café con buena gente y vaso de chocolate caliente. Al llegar al jardín botánico donde el evento tomó lugar, tuve que dar un montón de abrazos a tanta gente. Pero finalmente logré dibujar algunos mojos mucilaginosos, varias setas, y algunas líquenes antes de agarrar el bus de regreso a Portland.


  1. Nice mom/baby/bottle sketch - so expressive!

    1. Thank you! I was glad to capture it. (Our friend in the baseball cap held much less still, as you can see.)

  2. Love the fungi sketches. I love the long naturalist tradition of sketching specimens carefully. I firmly believe you can learn a lot more by the process of sketching than you can by most other means of recording.

    1. Absolutely! Sketching forces you to really take the time to look carefully and see how things fit together, with any luck. Even if the drawing doesn't turn out great, the process of looking at all those details is fantastically informative.
